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Wire Welding Machine / Reinforcement Steel Welding Machine (Nippon Welder Co.,Ltd. / Nichiyo)

We deal with the NICHIYO brand welding machine manufactured by former Nippon Welder Co.,Ltd.
Members who have inherited the drawings and knowhow from Nippon Welder Co.,Ltd. are providing welding machines that are exactly the same as the conventional machines.
We also sell components.

Butt Welder

[Target materials]  Steel, copper, yellow brass, brass, aluminum, stainless, and other alloys
[Target shapes]  Wire material, bar material, and sheet material
[Power specifications]  200 VA (standard), 50/60 Hz, single phase (Can be customized to 220/230/240 VAC)
Contact separately for voltages other than the above

■BUS type (standard type)

Welding material clamping: Manual lever
Material butting pressurization: Spring (manual)
Turned on by a push button switch
Model BUS-6-B BUS-13.5-B BUS-35-B
Rated capacity (KVA) 6 13.5 35
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 3~6 3~10 4~14
Copper wire (mmφ) 3~5 3~8 4~10
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 800 750 900
Depth 440 415 520
Height 950 1,025 1,330
Uses Various wire materials


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 3~6 mmφ
Copper wire: 3~5 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 800 mm
Depth: 440 mm
Height: 950 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity

13.5 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 3~10 mmφ
Copper wire: 3~8 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 750 mm
Depth: 415 mm
Height: 1,025 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity

35 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 4~14 mmφ
Copper wire: 4~10 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 900 mm
Depth: 520 mm
Height: 1,330 mm


Various wire materials

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. We will perform the welding test for you if you provide us with the wire material that is to be actually welded.
If there are several wire sizes, or the wire shape is other than round, the electric die groove needs to be designed separately.

■BHA type (mass production type)

Welding material clamping: Pneumatic pressure
Material butting pressurization: Pneumatic pressure
Clamping, power on, pressurization, electric die resetting, and clamp release are performed automatically with the foot switch
Model BHA-12 BHA-25
Rated capacity (KVA) 12 25
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 3~6 3~10
Copper wire (mmφ) 3~5 3~8
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 730 927
Depth 340 540
Height 970 1,100
Uses Copper wires, rings, frames


・Rated capacity

12 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 3~6 mmφ
Copper wire: 3~5 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 730 mm
Depth: 340 mm
Height: 970 mm


Copper wires, rings, frames


・Rated capacity

25 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 3~10 mmφ
Copper wire: 3~8 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 927 mm
Depth: 540 mm
Height: 1,100 mm


Copper wires, rings, frames

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. An electric die matching the size of the wire material needs to be designed separately.

■BUB type (standard type)

Welding material clamping: Pneumatic pressure
Material butting pressurization: Pneumatic pressure
After clamping with the help of the foot switch, power on, pressurization, electric die resetting, and clamp release are performed automatically with a push button switch.
* Optional: Automatic annealing device, monitor, pilot light, timer
Model BUB-35 BUB-50
Rated capacity (KVA) 35 50
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 6~13 10~19
Copper wire (mmφ) 6~9 7~13
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 1,200 1,300
Depth 850 900
Height 1,470 1,490
Uses Round wires, pipes


・Rated capacity

35 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 6~13 mmφ
Copper wire: 6~9 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,200 mm
Depth: 850 mm
Height: 1,470 mm


Round wires, pipes


・Rated capacity

50 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 10~19 mmφ
Copper wire: 7~13 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,300 mm
Depth: 900 mm
Height: 1,490 mm


Round wires, pipes

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value.

■BOE type (strong pressurization type for high-quality welding)

Welding material clamping: Strong pneumatic pressure
Material butting pressurization: Strong pneumatic pressure
After clamping with the help of the foot switch, power on, pressurization, electric die resetting, and clamp release are performed automatically with a press button switch.
* Optional: Automatic annealing device, monitor, pilot light
Model BOE-4 BOE-8 BOE-12 BOE-30 BOE-50
Rated capacity (KVA) 4 8 12 30 50
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 3~6.5 6~10 7~13 - -
Copper wire (mmφ) - - - 7~11 10~16
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 1,330 1,660 1,720 1,600 1,720
Depth 915 1,050 1,100 1,050 1,100
Height 1,175 1,300 1,350 1,300 1,350
Uses Steel wires, alloy wires, aluminum wires,
yellow brass wires, stainless wires
Copper wires


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 3~6.5 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,330 mm
Depth: 915 mm
Height: 1,175 mm


Steel wires, alloy wires, aluminum wires, yellow brass wires, stainless wires


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 6~10 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,660 mm
Depth: 1,050 mm
Height: 1,300 mm


Steel wires, alloy wires, aluminum wires, yellow brass wires, stainless wires


・Rated capacity

12 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 7~13 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,720 mm
Depth: 1,100 mm
Height: 1,350 mm


Steel wires, alloy wires, aluminum wires, yellow brass wires, stainless wires


・Rated capacity

30 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: -
Copper wire: 7~11 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,600 mm
Depth: 1,050 mm
Height: 1,300 mm


Copper wires


・Rated capacity

50 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: -
Copper wire: 10~16 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,720 mm
Depth: 1,100 mm
Height: 1,350 mm


Copper wires

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. An electric die matching the size of the wire material needs to be designed separately.

■BOJ type (large-size manual clamp type)

Welding material clamping: Large size clamp (manual)
Material butting pressurization: Strong pneumatic pressure
Power on and pressurization are performed automatically with a push button switch.
* Optional: Automatic annealing device, monitor, pilot light
Model BOJ-15 BOJ-25
Rated capacity (KVA) 15 23.5
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 6~13 9~13
Copper wire (mmφ) - -
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 1,200 1,200
Depth 1,000 1,000
Height 1,600 1,600
Uses Various wire materials


・Rated capacity

15 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 6~13 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,200 mm
Depth: 1,000 mm
Height: 1,600 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity

23.5 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 9~13 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,200 mm
Depth: 1,000 mm
Height: 1,600 mm


Various wire materials

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. An electric die matching the size of the wire material needs to be designed separately.

Micro Butt Welder

[Target materials]  Steel, copper, nickel, various alloys
[Target shape]  Wire material
[Power specifications]  100/200 VAC (standard), 50/60 Hz, single phase (Can be customized to 110/220/230/240 VAC)
SB-8-42 and SB-8-82 do not support 100 VAC
Contact separately for voltages other than the above.
※BMS-0.1 was discontinued as of March 25, 2016. The successor model is BMS-0.1-2.
※BMS-1 was discontinued as of March 25, 2016. The successor model is BMS-1-2.
※BMS-4 and SB-5-4 were discontinued as of March 25, 2016. The successor model is SB-8-42.
※BMS-8 was discontinued as of March 25, 2016. The successor model is SB-8-82.

■BMS type

Welding material clamping: Manual lever
Material butting pressurization: Spring (manual)
Turned on by a push button switch
Model BMS-0.1-2 BMS-1-2 SB-8-42 SB-8-82
Rated capacity (KVA) 0.1 1 4 8
Welding capacity Steel wire (mmφ) 0.15~0.60 0.35~1.80 1.20~4.00 4.00~8.00
Copper wire (mmφ) - 0.50~1.60 1.40~3.60 4.00~6.00
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 150 150 350 350
Depth 195 195 270 270
Height 255 255 400 400
Uses Various wire materials


・Rated capacity

0.1 KVA

・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 0.15~0.60 mmφ
Copper wire: -

・Machine dimensions

Width: 150 mm
Depth: 195 mm
Height: 255 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 0.35~1.80 mmφ
Copper wire: 0.50~1.60 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 150 mm
Depth: 195 mm
Height: 255 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 1.20~4.00 mmφ
Copper wire: 1.40~3.60 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 350 mm
Depth: 270 mm
Height: 400 mm


Various wire materials


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity

Steel wire: 4.00~8.00 mmφ
Copper wire: 4.00~6.00 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 350 mm
Depth: 270 mm
Height: 400 mm


Various wire materials

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. We will perform the welding test for you if you provide us with the wire material that is to be actually welded.
If there are several wire sizes, or the wire shape is other than round, the electric die groove needs to be designed separately.

Butt Welder for Deformed Bars/Wires

[Target material]  Deformed bars/wires
[Target shape]  Bar material
[Power specifications]  200/220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (Can be customized to 380/400/415/440)
The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. We will perform the welding test for you if you provide us with the wire material that is to be actually welded.
If there are several wire sizes, the electric die groove needs to be designed separately.

■BUE type

Welding material clamping: Pneumatic pressure
Material butting pressurization: Pneumatic pressure
After clamping with the help of the foot switch, power on, pressurization, electric die resetting, and clamp release are performed automatically with a push button switch.
* Optional: Automatic annealing device, monitor, pilot light, timer
Model BUE-60-Y BUE-80-Y BUE-100-Y
Rated capacity (KVA) 60 80 100
Welding capacity D10-D16, SD295, SD345 D10-D25, SD295, SD345
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 1,000 1,550 1,250
Depth 700 1,450 850
Height 1,600 1,820 1,800
Uses Deformed Bars/Wires


・Rated capacity

60 KVA

・Welding capacity

D10-D16, SD295, SD345

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,000 mm
Depth: 700 mm
Height: 1,600 mm


Deformed Bars/Wires


・Rated capacity

80 KVA

・Welding capacity

D10-D16, SD295, SD345

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,550 mm
Depth: 1,450 mm
Height: 1,820 mm


Deformed Bars/Wires


・Rated capacity

100 KVA

・Welding capacity

D10-D25, SD295, SD345

・Machine dimensions

Width: 1,250 mm
Depth: 850 mm
Height: 1,800 mm


Deformed Bars/Wires

The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. Please contact separately for details on high strength materials. An electric die matching the size of the wire material needs to be designed separately.

Electric brazing

[Target material]  Deformed bars/wires
[Target shape]  Bar material
[Power specifications]  200/220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (Can be customized to 380/400/415/440)
Brazing is performed through direct resistance heating of the target object, such as the wire material, sheet material, and pipes.
This not only helps realize high productivity through energy conservation as compared to other brazing methods, but has several advantages such as no pollution, no need of skilled operators, high safety, and a low running cost.
The wire diameter is an approximate reference value. We will perform the welding test for you if you provide us with the wire material that is to be actually welded. If there are several wire sizes, the electric die groove needs to be designed separately.

■RBD type (small electric butt brazing machine)

Uses: End butt brazing of communication cables, coaxial cables, and fine copper wires
Features: Because this machine is small in size, light-weight, safe, and supports simple operation, it can be easily used by anyone.
Power supply: 100/110 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (RBD-0.15(E), -0.3(E))
200/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (RBD-0.5(E), -1)
Model RBD-0.15(E) RBD-0.3(E) RBD-0.5(E) RBD-1
Rated capacity (KVA) 0.15 0.3 0.5 1
Welding capacity
Copper wire (mmφ)
0.3~1.0 0.5~2.0 0.6~3.0 1.2~4.0
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 200 200 280 280
Depth 160 160 280 280
Height 250 250 280 280
Uses Communication cables, coaxial cables, fine copper wires, etc.


・Rated capacity

0.15 KVA

・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

0.3~1.0 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 200 mm
Depth: 160 mm
Height: 250 mm


Communication cables, coaxial cables, fine copper wires, etc.


・Rated capacity

0.3 KVA

・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

0.5~2.0 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 200 mm
Depth: 160 mm
Height: 250 mm


Communication cables, coaxial cables, fine copper wires, etc.


・Rated capacity

0.5 KVA

・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

0.6~3.0 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 280 mm
Depth: 280 mm
Height: 280 mm


Communication cables, coaxial cables, fine copper wires, etc.


・Rated capacity


・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

1.2~4.0 mmφ

・Machine dimensions

Width: 280 mm
Depth: 280 mm
Height: 280 mm


Communication cables, coaxial cables, fine copper wires, etc.

(E) indicates that the electric die section can be moved.
The wire diameter is an approximate reference value.

■RPH type (portable electric brazing machine)

Uses: Lap brazing of transformer end and various hoops, and brazing of cable end and terminals, cable end sleeve, and communication cables
Characteristics: The transformer and brazing electric die section are separate, and moreover, movement is easy because of small size and light weight.
Power supply: 100/110 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (RPH-1.5)
200/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz, single phase (RPH-2.5)
Model RPH-1.5 RPH-2.5
Rated capacity (KVA) 0.15 0.3
Welding capacity
Copper wire
MM width
X1MM thickness
MM width
X1MM thickness
Machine dimensions (mm) Width 300 300
Depth 400 400
Height 340 340
Uses Transformer end, various hoops, cable end


・Rated capacity

0.15 KVA

・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

MM width
X1MM thickness

・Machine dimensions

Width: 300 mm
Depth: 400 mm
Height: 340 mm


Transformer end, various hoops, cable end


・Rated capacity

0.3 KVA

・Welding capacity (Copper wire)

MM width
X1MM thickness

・Machine dimensions

Width: 300 mm
Depth: 400 mm
Height: 340 mm


Transformer end, various hoops, cable end

(E) indicates that the electric die section can be moved.
The wire diameter is an approximate reference value.